display web site

If you don't yet have a web site, this basic set up can get you started for a very low cost. These pre-packaged Display Web Site choices shown on the links to the right allow individuals, organizations and businesses to reach the wide audience the internet provides.

Display Page Cost: $35.00 per page
Does not include hosting (see note below).

The cost is a one-time set up fee. The packages consists of text, photographs, your logo or artwork, and navigation buttons.

The size and color of the type can vary as can the color of the background according to the styles offered. Text is determined by you. You note a few lines you want larger and a few lines you want smaller. Maximum words for a page is 400. Any changes to your text information in the future will be at additional cost. Usually $5.00-10.00 depending upon the extent of your desired changes.

You may display two photographs per page. You must provide me with either black and white or color prints of your desired photographs or an appropriate computer files (GIF or JPEG). The photos will be scanned and prepared for display upon your web page. Maximum display size of photos is 3 inches wide by 4 inches deep. (Note: the quality of your original determines the quality of the image displayed upon your web page.)

Logo / Artwork
You may display one logo or piece of artwork. You must provide me with either a black and white representation of your logo or an appropriate computer file (GIF or JPEG). Logos must be restrained to approximately 5 inches by 3 inches depending upon the orientation of the logo or artwork. (Note: the quality of your original determines the quality of the image displayed upon your web page.)

You may display one button on for each page of your site and one for e-mail. The buttons are pre made as shown within the style's example page. You will need to note the amount of characters available within your selected style when choosing you button verbage. No style variations allowed (at package cost - variations can be made at additional cost).

jtac makes the pages for you. You will need to have a "host". Some place for the page to reside and be seen by the world. You may have a host already or you can arrange space through local or national internet hosting companies (price varies from free to expensive). Once you have the "host", you provide me with the information and methods to transfer your "site" to the host or you can do it yourself. Also, if you desire to have a domain name (www.yoursite.com), that must be arranged by you or your host also.

If you want extra photos or extra artwork on your page, the following prices apply:

Extra Photo or Artwork: $5.00 each.

Note: Based upon standard treatment. Special effects, photo manipulation, and any additional work other than scanning and placing photos/art as presented will be quoted on a case by case basis as needed.

Note: This package cost and all other costs listed are based upon strict standards and restrictions as stated. Any variations will put your scenario into a "custom need". I can deviate from the stated normal packages shown if your needs are not met by those presented. I would be glad to discuss and quote any special needs.

economical web sites
custom made web sitegraphic design